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Using Charts

Data object visualizations - types of charts

Piers Batchelor avatar
Written by Piers Batchelor
Updated over 2 years ago


Welcome to the page devoted to all things chart related in Astrato. We're busy building more for you all the time; where a chart icon is greyed-out, these are part of future releases.

Getting Started: Selecting a chart and applying styles

  1. From the Visualization section, click on the Data Objects (Data Obj.) icon, and click on the chart icon to drag and drop it onto your worksheet.

  2. From the Object panel on the right, the Data tab displays; select your chart's first measure or dimension. Please see the section on each chart type for more details.

  3. Click the Style and Layout options to view and apply the customization properties.


Bar Charts

A Bar Chart data object displays chart data in columns or bars. You can choose to display data in vertical (vertical orientation helps display ranked items) or horizontal orientation.

 Animation shows a bar chart being added to a sheet in a workbook.

Figure 1 adding a bar chart to a sheet in a workbook.

Bar Chart types

Chart Icon / Type / Data


Bar Column chart

Bar Column

1 Dimension, 1 Measure

Compares multiple values, with one bar for each dimension value.

Horizontal Bar chart

Horizontal Bar

1 Dimension, 1 Measure

Compares multiple values, with one bar for each dimension value.

Stacked Column bar chart

Stacked Column

2 Dimensions, 1 Measure

Compares the totals of items across separate categories.

Stacked Horizontal Bar chart

Stacked Horizontal Bar

2 Dimensions, 1 Measure

Compares the totals of items across separate categories.

Grouped Column bar chart

Grouped Column

2 Dimensions, 1 Measure

Compares similar items of the same category.

Grouped Horizontal Bar chart

Grouped Horizontal Bar

2 Dimensions, 1 Measure

Compares similar items of the same category.

Stacked 100% chart

Stacked 100%

2 Dimensions, 1 Measure

Compares the share of items across categories, displaying them as a proportion of 100%.

2 Dimensions, 1 Measure

Provides a clearer understanding of numerical data that are part of a continuous distribution.

Line Charts

Display your data in a line or a line area, where the space between the line and the axis or the next value displayed is shaded.

For information on forecasting, please see the documentation on Advanced Analytics.

Line Chart Types

Please note: adding a measure converts a line (or line area) chart to a multi-line chart (or stacked area) chart.

Chart Icon / Type / Data


Line / Line Area chart

Line / Line Area

1 Dimension, 1 Measure

Line and line area charts show how values change over time or through a sequence.

Stacked Area chart

Stacked Area

2 Dimensions, 1 Measure

Compare the value totals across categories over time or through a sequence.

Multi-Line chart


1 Dimension, 2 (or more) Measures

Show and compare multiple value changes over time or through a sequence.

Pie Charts

A Pie Chart data object consists of a circular shape divided into sectors to display data values, like slices in a pie.

Pie chart types

Chart Icon / Type / Data


Donut chart


1 Dimension, 1 Measure

Pie charts have one sector for each dimension value.


1 Dimension, 1 Measure

Donut charts divide dimension values into sectors using a hollow circle.

Variable Radius pie chart

Variable Radius

1 Dimension, 2 Measures

Variable Radius charts display data using a pie or a donut shape, with the ability to vary the segment radius by adding a second measure (e.g. values for a sector in a specific year).

Progress Charts

A Progress Chart data object displays chart data referenced against a defined value or target to demonstrate progress towards reaching the target.

Progress charts use one measure, one (or two) dimensions, and one target (the reference point for measuring progress. You can display the data using a Gauge format (a circle or arc) or as Bars.

Figure 2 Adding a progress chart to a workbook.

Progress Chart Types

Chart Icon / Type / Data


Progress chart - gauge


1 Dimension, 1 Measure, 1 Target

Visualize progress measurements in a circular gauge format.

Progress chart - arc gauge

Arc Gauge

1 Dimension, 1 Measure, 1 Target

Visualize progress measurements in an arc gauge format (half-circle).

Progress chart - distribution gauge

Distribution Gauge

2 Dimensions, 1 Measure

Visualize progress comparisons using a gauge.

Progress chart - distribution


2 Dimensions, 1 Measure

Visualize progress comparisons using compact bars.

Scatter Charts

A Scatter Chart object displays chart data in a "scatter" formation as a collection of points.

Scatter chart types

Scatter charts use one dimension and 2 (or 3) measures. Adding a third measure allows you to show a "bubble" within the scatter chart.

Chart Icon / Type / Data


scatter chart icon


1 Dimension, 2 Measures

The chart uses points to present values for two different measures (X & Y axis). Each point is a dimension value.

Bubble scatter chart

Bubble Scatter

1 Dimension, 3 Measures

The chart uses points to present values for three different measures (X, Y & Z axis).

The third measure drives bubble size. Each point is a dimension value.

Combo Chart

A Combo Chart data object displays data as a combination or "combo" of a bar chart and a line chart. Astrato supports combo charts that display data in a vertical orientation.

Chart Icon / Type / Data


Combo chart


1 Dimension, 2 Measures

Displays data by combining a line chart and bar chart for each measure.

Heatmap Charts

A Heatmap Chart data object displays chart data in a matrix ("grid") composed of shapes, with data differences presented using gradual changes in shape, color, and size.

Figure 3 Adding a heatmap chart to a workbook

Heatmap Chart Types

Heatmap grid charts use two dimensions and 1 (or 2) measures. Adding a second measure changes the heatmap chart to a "bubble" heatmap grid chart.

Chart Icon / Type / Data


Heatmap Grid chart

Heatmap Grid

2 Dimensions, 1 Measure

Dimension-driven matrix, values displayed using color variations.

Bubble Heatmap Grid chart

Bubble Heatmap Grid

2 Dimensions, 2 Measures

Dimension-driven matrix, values displayed using color variations and bubble size.

Custom Color Palette

Use a custom color palette to style and color your charts to align with your brand, event, or theme.

Create a custom color palette

Creating a custom palette

  1. Click on the Style tab, and from the section on Color, select Categorical from the dropdown above the palette picker.

  2. Click on the palette color swatch to view the palette options.

  3. Click the pencil icon to create a custom color palette.

  4. Pick colors or type a comma-separated list of the Hex codes (maximum of 13 colors).

  5. Drag and drop (or paste) your list of colors into the custom palette.

  6. Click Apply.

  7. Use the option to +Add more to include more colors in your custom palette.

Screenshot shows how to add a whole set of palette colors, or individually.

Define color opacity

Use the form to add two extra numbers in your HEX code to change the opacity of each color. You can define the opacity of colors using the Color Picker as well.

Color picker menu offers opacity using percentage amounts.

Reorder the colors in your custom palette

To reorder the color in your custom palette, click on the double row of dots on the left and drag and drop the color to its new position.

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