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Workbook Life-Cycle: Versioning
Workbook Life-Cycle: Versioning

How to manage a workbook life-cycle using versions & environments.

Astrato Support avatar
Written by Astrato Support
Updated over a week ago

Introduction - Versioning

Data and Analytics apps often require constant changes and additions to meet evolving data and user needs. Keeping track of all these changes and the different versions of an app is essential for creators.

The new workbook versioning in Astrato allows creators to:

  • Easily log a version with a description of the content

  • Quickly apply a previous version to the current version to mitigate any breaking changes.

  • Un-publish a workbook and re-publish it with a different version.

  • Link versions with another workbook.

  • To reduce clutter in the Astrato lobby, each workbook and all related drafts will only appear once.

Working with workbook versions

  • Accessing a workbook versions

    Open a workbook by clicking on the edit button in the workbook tile.
    (if a workbook has more than one version, the folder with the clock icon will appear on the left side of the workbook name; see the image below for an example)

    In the workbook, click on the clock icon in the top toolbar.

    A menu with all the previous workbook versions is opened on the side.

    The current workbook draft appears on the top.

    Working with a workbook draft

    A workbook draft is the active display of a workbook, when clicking on edit for a workbook in the lobby the draft is what will be open for editing.

    Several actions can be done with any workbook draft.

    • Save as version- saves the current draft as a version.
      Notice how now we have three versions in the menu.
      A saved version that isn't published is tagged with History.

    • Name this version- define the name of the version.

    • Create a new workbook- create a copy of the draft that is part of a new workbook that is created.
      This action is similar to the create draft option in the previous version of Astrato.

    Working with a workbook version

    A workbook version is tagged with History or Published in the version menu.
    A workbook version isn't the active version of a workbook.
    As a user, you can check the content of a version by clicking on it in the version menu.

    Several Actions can be applied to a History version:

    • Restore this version- apply it to the draft, and make it the "active" draft of the workbook.

    • Name this version- give the version a new name.

    • Create a new workbook- create a copy of the draft that is part of a new workbook that is created.
      This action is similar to the create draft option in the previous version of Astrato.

    • Move version- moves the version to another workbook version tree

    • Remove- remove the version from the workbook versions.

    Working with the published version

    The workbook's published version also appears in the workbook version menu.

    Several actions can be done with any published version in the version menu.

    • Restore this version- apply it to the draft, and make it the "active" draft of the workbook.

    • Name this version- define the name of the version.

    • Create a new workbook- create a copy of the draft that is part of a new workbook that is created.
      This action is similar to the create draft option in the previous version of Astrato.

    • Move version- moves the version to another workbook version tree

    • Unpublish- unpublish this workbook version; this will remove the workbook from the published workbook list.

    Publishing a workbook

    When publishing a workbook, a dropdown menu allows users to select the version.

    Manage published version and rollback.

    There is a new option to roll back a published version. This can be done from the lobby's tile menu.

    Selecting this option will show a modal with the published version and all the unpublished versions with the option to roll back.

    Migrating from the current Astrato workbook version

    On the first time opening Astrato after releasing the new version of Astrato workbook life cycle.

    Users with existing published and draft workbooks will see a button with link version suggestions.

    Link version suggestions are based on the fact that a draft was created from a published workbook.

    Applying a link version suggestion will combine all the drafts and publish the workbook into one workbook.

    Linking suggestions will be displayed only for users with draft workbooks. Linking versions action is a one-time action and can't be undone.

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