Actions are extremely powerful, enabling all sorts of use cases, from writeback, to working with Snowpark, even generating specific narratives form your data. Actions create and extend operational use cases such as data cleansing, commenting and even working with other products.
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Filters: Always one selected value
When building dashboards, ensuring that there’s always a selected value in a filter can be crucial for guiding users through data. This feature guarantees that there is always one option selected, preventing users from accidentally deselecting all values, which could result in empty or confusing visuals.
Use Case: Imagine a scenario where users need to compare energy prices across regions. If a user accidentally deselects all filters, the dashboard could display incorrect or incomplete data.
By enforcing Always One Selected Value, you ensure that a region is always chosen, providing a consistent view and preventing data gaps.
This feature helps users focus on a specific data point without leaving the filter empty, ensuring data integrity and improving the decision-making process.
Designing for Mobile
Astrato lets you design for mobile users - unlike other tools who redesign your dashboard for mobile for you, outside of your control.
Mobile users deserve a true mobile analytics experience.
Creating the Mobile Design
To speed up the process, we recommend to clone your full-screen sheet in the workbook editor.
In the new sheet, we recommend to Lock aspect ratio of your sheet. This ensures that a mobile view is retained on the sheet and enables you to design on a mobile sized canvas.
Choose a paper size or set the aspect ratio to
Once complete, you're ready to make your layout mobile friendly.
💡 Put your main content at the top of the sheet. |
Automatically show the right content based on their device
Once you have completed your design, open up Astrato's actions.
In Actions, add the blocks shown below (use our search to find blocks faster).
These blocks perform the following actions:
If the device window is portrait (taller than wider), then go to Mobile Overview.
Otherwise, go to Overview.
The end Result
Try it yourself - just change the window size closer to mobile and hit refresh.
ℹ️ Remember you can show and hide sheets in Astrato, with one workbook to serve all types of users.