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πŸ†• Astrato Release Notes
πŸ†• Astrato Release Notes

Feature releases & customer facing improvements for Astrato

Piers Batchelor avatar
Written by Piers Batchelor
Updated today

Release Index

ℹ️ For support, click on the icon on the bottom right. See historical releases

2.86.9 - 22 October 2024

Bookmark Sharing with Groups and Users

Bookmarks sharing allows users to share their insights with other users, enhancing decision-making by utilizing the collaborative insights of all users.
Bookmark sharing also helps get users to start exploring new apps with example insights and speed up self-service usage of data apps.

The new feature allows users to share their bookmarks with specific users and groups.

Hide Fields From The Filter Bar

Creators can define a list of fields that will not show in the filter bar even if a selection is made in them.

This feature supports complex guided analytics apps that require default selections in some areas of the app.

2.86 - 15 October 2024

Advanced Calculations are available in more visualizations

Advanced calculations enable all users to answer more complex business questions like:

  • What is the six-month moving average revenue trend?

  • What is the share of revenue of each category in each country?

  • What is the trend of the daily average number of users on my website?

The Full list of Advanced Calculations includes:





Moving Aggregations

Running total

returns the cumulative result of all records up to the current record, including the current record

Moving Calculation

Returns the cumulative result of a set of records as defined by the user.

Period over Period


Returns the value of the comparison record

[comparison record]


Returns the difference between the current record and the comparison record

[current record]


[comparison record]


Returns the rate between the current record and the comparison record

[current record]


[comparison record]


Returns the growth rate between the current record and the comparison record

([current record]


[comparison record])-1

Accumulated Growth

Returns the growth rate by comparing the running total of two measures

running total(measure)


running total(reference)




Returns the rank of a measure by the selected dimensions



returns the total value of a measure by the selected dimension


Compare to total

returns the result of a measure vs the total result of a measure.
There are different options of comparison.

measure/ sum_total(measure)

measure - avg_total(measure)

Nested Calculations

Nested Calculation

Returns the aggregate result of a measure after calculating an internal virtual table using an additional dimension just for this measure.
For example:
The average of unique active users in the last 30 days

avg(measure splited by dimension)

Nested Ratio

Returns the ratio of the measure aggregated on two different internal levels
For example:
The Avg daily active users divided by the monthly active users

avg(measure split by dimension 1)


max(measure splited by dimension 2

Advanced calculations are available in this release's KPI object, scatter, and dot charts.

Merge cell display in the table.

When displaying a table with multiple dimensions, showing the same values in the dimension in every row might make it hard for users to read the table.
This new feature simplifies the table display and allows users to find insights faster.

Custom Labels Enhancements

Custom labels allow for the display of measure & dimensions labels that update dynamically according to selections or time changes.
Custom labels simplify chart reading and help users focus on the data and find insights.

Custom labels now appear in all tooltips, and when charts are exported to Excel, they help users share insights.

New Bar Chart Display

A new option to display measures only bar chart in grouped mode; this enables the creation of comparison of multiple measures in one bar chart.

Slider Filter Formatting

Slider filters enable users to quickly select a range of numbers in a field or a range of dates.

With the new formatting option, the numeric/date field can be formatted to help users understand the type of field they are using.

2.85 - 10 October 2024

New data connection - Clickhouse (Beta)

Astrato now supports integration with Clickhouse. Users can connect to Clickhouse databases directly, enabling seamless querying and analysis within Astrato’s live-query environment. This new connection expands data source flexibility and enhances support for fast and scalable analytics. Currently available in Beta, with further enhancements coming soon.

Date action - get week

The get date component block now includes support for retrieving the week from a given date. Users can choose between ISO week or standard week options for more flexibility in handling date-related data. This enhancement provides a streamlined way to extract week information directly within action blocks.

Reporting - enhanced error messages

Report error messages have been improved to provide clearer feedback. Errors, such as deleted variables, will now be displayed at the end of the report, making them easier to identify and resolve.

2.84 - 4 October 2024

Measures filters in the table and custom report

The new measures filters enable users to answer business questions like:
Show customers who purchased more than five times and spent less than 1000$ ?
In each category, which products have a YOY growth higher than 10% and generate revenue higher than 100k$?
User can combine filters on multiple measures to answer their questions.
The results can be applied as global filters in the app for further exploration.


2.83 - 26 September 2024

Variable actions - Set multiple variables at once

Introducing the new Set Variables block, designed to enhance both performance and ease of use. Instead of triggering separate queries for each individual variable change, all updates are applied at once, making it particularly efficient when used in measures or filters. By consolidating variable changes into a single action, this block not only reducing complexity in your setup but also improves performance by minimizing redundant query executions.

Favicon - Custom workbook favicon

We’re excited to announce a new feature that allows users to customize their analytics experience by adding their company’s favicon via a simple URL link in the workbook settings.

With the addition of favicons, businesses can further align their analytics environment with their corporate identity.

This is a must-have for OEMs or customers with data meshes who share data with customers, partners, or suppliers.

Quick Export to Excel and CSV

Exporting a dataset from a data analytics tool is integral to the natural analytics and thinking process.
The exported data can be shared with other users or programs to exploit the data's insights further.
This new feature enables creators to add an export icon to an object, simplifying the process of exporting data for end users.

Advanced Calculation- Nested Aggregations

Astrato's advanced calculation enables all users to create measures that answer complex business questions with just a few mouse clicks.

The new options of Nested aggregation and Nested ratio enable users to answer questions like:

What is the daily active user average on the website?

What is the product stickiness rate in SAAS?

How many products have had positive growth compared to last year in each category?

Answering these business questions in Astrato is as simple as answering any other business question, further enhancing the self-service offering.

Astrato's Advanced calculation includes also:

  • Accumulated and moving aggregations

  • Period-over-period functions

  • Ranking, Subtotals, and comparing to the total results.


Linked Object\Visualization

Efficient building and simple maintenance of data apps for guided analytics and OEM data products are essential for the quick time-to-market release of new versions and capabilities.
The Linked object is going to be one of the creators' most used tools in Astrato.
This new option allows for the reuse of buttons and visualizations inside an app.
All the linked objects are edited in one place and can perform the same set of actions.

After copying an object, there is a new option in the menu paste as linked.


2.82 - 18 September 2024

Map Actions- Advanced Tooltips in a map point layer

Adding context to map visualization helps users to understand the data easily and to make educated decisions.
The new feature allows creators to build an interactive data analytics experience using map event actions.
Use can range from tooltips to any dashboard filtering and chart-adjusted display.

Filter Bar Custom Buttons

Buttons help creators build guided analytics apps that shorten the time to insight for users.
The new feature allows creators to add a button to the filter bar.

The same button on the same position across an app helps users learn the curve.

This new type of button can run the same action flow on multiple sheets, reducing the app's complexity and maintenance time when changes are needed.

Hide Zero Records

In the data analysis process, it's important to remove noise and outliers to facilitate the visualization of insights and the making of educated decisions.

This new feature allows users to hide records that all the measures return null or zero, creating a more meaningful display.

HTML Text Object

Using HTML code enhances the design and functionality options of the text object in Astrato.
This new option enables creators to enhance the display of text objects with the full design range of HTML text, including fonts and coloring parts of the text, interactive backgrounds, and more.

HTML Display for Dimensions in a Table

Using HTML code enhances the design and functionality options of the dimensions in a table.
This new option enables creators to enhance the display of dimension columns with the entire design range of HTML text, including fonts and coloring parts of the text, interactive backgrounds, and more.

2.81 - 5 September 2024

Sheet Scrolling

When creating guided analytics apps and data storytelling, including more information without confusing the users is essential.

With the new sheet scrolling option, data storytelling and guided analytics can be better than before, leveraging the option to include more insights in a single page. ​

Maximize Chart

In a good data app, we include several visualizations that give users the bigger picture view, combining the insights from all visualizations.

But there are times when users want to dive deep into a certain visualization. With the new feature of maximizing objects, users can easily focus on a specific visualization to see the data insights without the distractions of other visualizations.​

Self-Service Custom Report Sorting

Astrato's custom report is an essential part of the self-service analytics offering,

It allows a creator to create a secure and controlled self-service environment for end-users.

Ad-hoc reports can be built and saved on the fly with a selected measure and dimension.
With the new improvements, users can easily re-order dimensions and measures, sort the visualization display, and much more.

2.80.13 - 12 August 2024

Chart Filters: Variable support

Variables for chart filters have arrived! Variables in filters enable use cases like creating filter groups for multiple charts or bulding comparative analysis data apps.

Using variables, comparative analysis is now even more powerful, enhancing your data storytelling capabilities. You can link filters between charts or even connect individual measures across different visuals. Whether you're comparing against competitors, assessing neighboring retail stores, or analyzing performance across regions, the possibilities are at your fingertips.

Setting up chart filters with variables:

Chart label size customization & variable options

Data label (measures) and axis label size can now be customized and even linked to variables. Customize label size between charts to show users a clear hierarchy of insights.

Need to make a chart stand out after an interaction? That;'s where variables come in, to make the data that matters,come to life.

Number: Enhanced threshold coloring

We've enhanced the color customization options for the number object. Now, you can not only select which measure to color by but also independently set unique colors and thresholds for each measure.

Chart Scrolling: Start scroll at end

Charts are able to set by default to the end of the data - perfect when working with time based data.

New Shortcut Available: CTRL + SHIFT + L

Introducing a helpful shortcutβ€”CTRL + SHIFT + Lβ€”that instantly reverts your workbook to its default state by clearing all user states and applied bookmarks. This feature ensures you can quickly reset your workbook if needed.

2.80 - 6 Aug 2024

Writeback support for Redshift and Postgres SQL

In the evolving data analytics landscape, writeback capabilities are emerging as a game-changer. But what's the real business value? Let's break it down:

  1. πŸ”„ Closed-Loop Analytics

    • Enable real-time updates to source systems

    • Seamlessly integrate insights back into operational processes

  2. 🎯 Improved Decision-Making

    • Make data-driven decisions directly within analytics tools

    • Reduce time-to-action by eliminating system switches

  3. πŸ’‘ Enhanced Collaboration

    • Foster a culture of data democracy

    • Allow team members to contribute insights and annotations

  4. πŸ”¬ Scenario Planning

    • Test "what-if" scenarios and immediately update forecasts

    • Adapt quickly to market changes and internal shifts

There are many more use cases that can be done with writeback as a native part of the data analytics apps.

Key-Pair authentication For Snowflake

Key pairs are more secure because they use two keys (one public, one private), keep the private key secret, allow you to verify who sent a message, are easier to manage, and provide proof of sending messages.

1. Two Keys: A key pair uses two keys – a public key and a private key. The public key locks (encrypts) the data, and only the private key can unlock (decrypt) it. This means if someone gets the public key, they still can't read the data without the private key.

2. Private Key Stays Secret: The private key is kept secret and never shared. This means only you can unlock the locked data with your public key, making it very secure.

3. Verify Identity: Key pairs allow you to sign messages with your private key. The recipient uses your public key to verify the signature, ensuring the message is really from you and hasn't been tampered with.

4. Easier Management: Instead of sharing one key with everyone (like with a single password), each person has their own key pair. This makes it easier to manage and more secure because you don't have to share your private key with anyone.

5. Proof of Sending: When you sign a message with your private key, it proves you sent it. No one else could have signed it because no one else has your private key.

Improved display in the data view.

The new display of the assets panel in the dataview now includes indicators for the number of items for each category.
This makes tracking the changes in the items and management of items much more efficient.

Manage user's access and permission in the data-view

This new feature enhances the control of admins and creators on what each user can do in a dataview; it also enhances the flexibility of controlling user access to data and reduces the number of data connections needed.

2.79v - 24 July 2024

πŸ†• More advanced calculations available for use in measures

More calculations to support self-service analytics, Easily create measure the shows advanced calculations such as:

  • Rank by a selected measure and grouped by selected dimensions.

  • Compare to total - compare a result to total values (Avg, Max, Min), compare actual values, or calculate the difference to the total result.

  • Total- Calculate a total aggregation result for a selected set of dimensions.

These option are added to the existing option of period over period and moving calculations that were part of previous releases.

Table Conditional Coloring: string measure support

For measures aggregations that support string values (listagg, max, min, any_value), we now support the use of strings in conditional coloring.

Table: Handling missing images

No more broken images - add a fallback URL to specify the next best image when there is one missing (or no longer valid).

2.79 - 18 July 2024

Stored Procedure Action Blocks For Big Query

Astrato's Data apps just became even more powerful with the addition of a stored procedure action block.

Using this action opens up new use cases:

  • Loading relevant external data on the fly and combining it with internal data to uncover new insights.

  • Write back data and then call on AI models to analyze and store the new data.

  • Refreshing data when a stored procedure is needed

Writeback For Big Query

Adding writeback functionality to a data analytics app provides several significant benefits,
to name a few:

  1. Improved data accuracy and timeliness:

    • Users can correct errors or update information in real-time

    • Reduces lag between insight discovery and data updates

  2. Enhanced user engagement:

    • Transforms passive data consumption into active interaction

    • Increases user investment in data quality and analysis outcomes

  3. Streamlined workflows:

    • Eliminates the need to switch between analytics and data entry systems

    • Reduces data transfer errors and inefficiencies

  4. Faster decision-making:

    • Enables immediate action based on insights

    • Supports agile business processes and rapid response to market changes

  5. Collaborative analysis:

    • Facilitates team input and shared decision-making

    • Allows for the capture of diverse perspectives and expertise

2.78 - 11 July 2024

Bookmarks Object

Bookmarks speed the time for insight for users by saving commonly used filters and reports.

The new bookmark object makes the bookmark list more accessible, allowing users to save their preferred display and share it with others.

Date Action Blocks

Actions enable creators to build guided analytics data apps for end-users, automating users' data exploration and insights.
The new actions enable date actions such as range selection and finding the latest data available; using these actions to build time makes data exploration simpler and faster.

Example: Select the date range and update the drill-through dimension

Map- Zoomed Controlled Layer Display.

Changing dynamically the levels of details presented in a Map object enhances the user's natural way of thinking and focusing on data insights.
As the user zooms in to an area of interest, the level of display changes, and new and more detailed insights can be uncovered.

Labeling enhancements: Backdrop

More charts now contain label backdrops, improving label visibility and association with the related data point.

Label backdrops are available on the following charts: πŸ†• Bar, Scatter, Line.

Variable Support: Axis Bands

Benchmarking just became effortless! Use axis bands to create a richer data-driven experience and get instant visual feedback when updating targets and benchmarks.

Data-view Manage Access

Manage the level of access of different users to a data-view (semantic model)
Control who can contribute and consume the data in the model to supply end users with analytics-ready data and simplify Self-Service analytics.

Group Container Properties

The pixel-perfect dashboard design has just become simple with the new group properties. These settings will enhance builders' control of group design and reduce the number of objects needed to design dashboards. Groups now have new properties that allow setting a background, border, and other properties to the group.

Advanced Calculation- Accumulated Growth

Accumulated growth uncovers insight on a larger set of inputs and reduces the impact of outliers to expose changes in growth trends in important measures.

Creating a measure for accumulated growth usually requires good knowledge of SQL writing, but in Astrato, it requires only a few mouse clicks.

2.77.1 - 26 June 2024

πŸ†• Shape (Polygon) Layer in The Map Object

Polygon maps are valuable tools for visualizing and analyzing geographical data across various business applications.

Key use cases include:

  • Market analysis

  • Site selection

  • Risk assessment

  • Customer segmentation

  • Competitive analysis

These applications allow businesses to transform complex spatial data into actionable insights, supporting more informed decision-making by revealing patterns, trends, and relationships tied to specific geographic areas.

2.77 - 24 June 2024

πŸ†• Centralized Access Control

A new centralized access control for data connections, data-views, and collections.
The new access control service includes these features:

  • A user can ask for access to the underlined data-view of workbooks that he tries to open with a few simple mouse clicks.

  • Centralized access requests management and alerts for requests for Astrato tenant admins.

    Easily approve or reject requests.

  • Grant access to either Astrato roles, Groups, or Specific users.
    The same dialog is used to manage access to all assets.

  • Please note that all new assets are created with access granted only to the asset creator and the tenant admins.

Convert the Selected Range of Values to Individual Values

A new and easy way to select a range of numeric values or dates and focus on existing values inside a range.
With this new feature, data exploration is simpler and faster, and dashboards are cleaner with fewer static filter objects on the screen and more exploration options for users.

2.76.1 - 4 June 2024

πŸ†• Fetch dimension action block

Have you ever wanted to create an animated chart? With the new fetch dimension block it's easy to fetch all possible/selected/not selected values from a field. The output of the block can be used in loops or for advanced filter use cases or creating cyclic reports to name a few.

Report parameters and improvements

Reports now support up to 250 pages with high resolution with a DPI factor 2 for crisp, printable reports.

With the addition of parameters you can now reuse the same report in different schedules. Add string, number or boolean parameters to your report definition block and those becomes available in the scheduler or the Send and Open report blocks.

Send report and open report blocks have options to use a custom filename, leave blank for the default, name of the report with a timestamp at the end.

Send report block have options for the Email body and supports the PDF to be encrypted with an optional password.

2.76 - 29 May 2024

πŸ†• Mini Chart Scroll In Line Chart

By incorporating mini charts with scroll bars, you ensure that your visualizations remain clear, navigable, and insightful even when dealing with extensive dimension values.

Combo Chart Vertical Display

Combo charts are valuable assets in data analytics. They provide a versatile and powerful way to combine different data visualizations.

They enable deeper insights, efficient data presentation, and enhanced storytelling, making them an essential tool for analysts and decision-makers.

With this new setting, you can display a combo chart vertically to make ranking charts easier to read.

2.75.2 - 21 May 2024

Top N Sorting

Showing the Others record using the TopN feature helps users see the full data context. They can see the significance of the entities' tail ends.

With this new setting, you can set the other record sorting position.

Improved Date Picker

The new version of the Date Picker allows users to navigate between years and months using the new controls easily.
Focusing on a certain range of dates is now simple and easy.

Improved Vertical Line

The new line shape has a setting for a vertical line; this new setting fits the line to the vertical space while disregarding the width of the shape.
This new option will improve the design of data stories and guided analytics dashboards.

2.75.1 - 16 May 2024

πŸ†• Drill-through Actions

drill-down and drill-through functionalities provide a comprehensive framework for data analysis:

  • Multidimensional Insights: Users can gain insights from multiple dimensions and perspectives, starting from broad overviews to in-depth details and related contextual information.

  • Increased Flexibility: These functionalities provide the flexibility to navigate data in a way that aligns with specific analytical needs, improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the data analysis process.

  • Scalable Analysis: They support scalable analysis, accommodating both high-level executives who need summary views and analysts who require detailed data exploration.

With the five new actions, building different use cases of drill-through and drill-down with a complete no-code experience is simple and easy.

  • - This trigger can run a set of actions when the active field in a drill-through dimension is changed.
    For example, update a custom label with the active field name, navigate to another sheet, show and hide charts, etc.

  • - This action gets the active field in a drill-through dimension; the field is represented in this format: Table Name.Field Name

  • - This action sets a new active field in the drill-through dimension. When used with the a get variable action, the input can be static by selecting a value from the dropdown menu or dynamic by using a variable.

  • - This action changes the active field of a drill-through dimension to the next field in the list.
    This action won't have any effect when the active field is the last field in the dimension.
    It's useful when building drill-down charts

  • - This action changes the active field of a drill-through dimension to the previous field in the list.
    This action won't have any effect when the active field is the first field in the dimension.
    It's useful when building drill-down charts.

2.75 - 10 May 2024

πŸ†• Cumulative Waterfall Chart

The new waterfall chart covers the use cases when there is a need to visualize individual entities' contribution to a KPI's overall results, for example:

  1. Budget Allocation: Waterfall charts can be used to track budget allocations for a project, showing how funds are distributed across different categories, such as labor, materials, equipment, and overhead costs.

  2. Sales Performance: Waterfall charts can illustrate changes in sales revenue over time or across different products or regions, showing the contributions from factors such as price changes, volume changes, discounts, and returns.

  3. Cost Breakdown: Waterfall charts can break down total costs into individual components, showing how each cost item contributes to the overall cost structure.

Dynamic Custom Labels in Visualizations

Custom Labels for dimensions and measures allow the label to change dynamically according to users' interactions in an app.
Common use case for custom labels:

  • The dimension label changes according to the active field in a drill-through dimension.

  • The dimensions label indicates a filter that is applied in the chart.

  • The measure label indicates the time period of the measure; for example, instead of current year-to-date, it is 2024 year-to-date, and it changes dynamically when a year changes.

New Default Display for Text Object

A new design option to control the display of long texts allows you to opt for an ellipsis mode and define a static number of rows for the text display.
Or opt for a responsive display that automatically adapts the text size and number of rows.

Ellipsis mode is the default option for all new text objects.

Input Box Deprecatation

The Input Box (the first version of the input form) will be deprecated from this version forward.
Instead, multiple Atomic Input objects replace the input box.
All existing input boxes will continue to work; there will be no option to create new input boxes.

2.73.1 - 29 Apr 2024

πŸ†• Axis scroll support for Dot plot, Bar-, Combo- and Line chart

With this new option to limit the visible domain and add a scroll bar to the Dot plot, Bar-, Combo- and Line chart, the chart can tell a more focused and detailed story without losing the context of the entire dataset.

Bar chart example with scroll bar.

2.73 - 17 Apr 2024

πŸ†• Top N Analytics

In analytics, the term "Top N" refers to the highest-ranking or performing items in a given set according to some measurable criteria. "N" stands for a numerical value that you specify when you want to limit your analysis to a certain number of top items. This is commonly used in business intelligence and data analysis to identify and focus on the most significant data points out of a larger dataset.
For instance, here are a few examples of how "Top N" might be used:

  1. Top 10 Best-Selling Products: This would refer to the 10 products that have sold the most units over a certain period.

  2. Top 5 Most Visited Pages on a Website: This would indicate the five pages that receive the most traffic.

  3. Top 3 Regions in Sales: This might identify the three geographic regions that contribute the most to a company's sales revenue.

  4. Top 20% of Customers: This could be used to describe the customers who are responsible for the top 20% of a company's sales or profits, a principle also known as the Pareto principle or the 80/20 rule.

The "Top N" analysis is useful for prioritizing actions, allocating resources, or focusing on areas that have the most significant impact on the overall performance of a business or system. It’s also a common feature in reporting and data visualization tools, where you can dynamically filter dashboards or reports to display only the top performers based on the selected metric.

Exporting from embeds

Embed now support exporting data and images/PDF via the context menu! πŸ₯³

ℹ️ to enable export on existing embeds, please see our support article for more guidance

2.71 - 4 Apr 2024

πŸ†• Pivot Table in Custom Report

Pivot tables are among the most powerful data exploration tools, enabling users to slice and dice through data and uncover insights.

Introducing the pivot table into the custom report now enables users to easily add and replace dimensions and measure through their exploration, taking data exploration to the next level.

Dimensions and Measures Groups in Custom Report.

Measures and dimension groups in the custom report assist end-users in finding the relevant dimensions and measures to their business questions, speeding up and making data exploration more efficient and simple.

πŸ†• Stored Procedure Action Blocks

Astrato's Data apps just became even more powerful with the addition of a stored procedure action block.

Using this action opens up new use cases:

  • Loading relevant external data on the fly and combining it with internal data to uncover new insights.

  • Write back data and then call on AI models to analyze and store the new data.

  • Refreshing data when a stored procedure is needed

There are many more use cases to take advantage of this new feature.

2.70 - 27 Mar 2024

AI Insight Object Support More Visualizations

The AI Inisigts objects now support these types of visualizations:
Sankey, Dot Plot, Word Cloud, Waterfall.
Using AI insights helps users uncover hidden insights in the above visualizations. It can also increase users' data literacy by training them to read the above types of visualizations.

New Actions

  • Exit Sheet - define a list of actions to be performed when leaving a specific sheet.

  • In data apps and writeback it's important to separate if a value have changed or not. To help with that we are releasing new action blocks to help with that task.

    • Null - Use to writeback Null value

    • Empty to Null - Convert empty values to Null

    • Null to default - Outputs value unless it's Null, then it outputs the default input value

  • Cast string to number - convert strings to numbers ​

  • Get\Set Sheets Property - get a sheet property or change it via actions, current available properties: Visibility and Title

2.69 - 25 Mar 2024

πŸ†• Dot Plot chart

Our new dot plot visualization is great for uncovering high-level and detailed insights in one chart.
The dot plot supports these use cases:

Compare the distribution of users by age and gender for products, showing the overall distributions and the individual user value for all of your users.
​ Read the documentation

Save Tables Layout

Tables layout in the semantic view can be saved and retrieved.

So whether you prefer star schema or tree, you can arrange the tables in your preferred way.


2.68.18a - 19 Mar 2024

πŸ†• Map Visualization: Heat map Layer

Our new heat map layer is here, as our 4th map layer - extending geospatial analytics. Our heat map is highgly customisable, enabling color customisation, multiple ways to adjust scale and intensity to match the meaning of your data, creating a familiar map experience for all of your users. Read the documentation

2.68.18 - 12 Mar 2024

Advanced calculations: Enhanced user experience and description

Advanced calculations now have descriptions in tooltips for each component, making familiarisation effortless. We've renamed a couple of components to make it easier for you. Thank you all for the early feedback!

πŸ†• Smart data labels for the scatter and line chart

Enhanced labeling has arrived at the line and scatter chart πŸ™Œ

We all know we can't label every data point, otherwise we'd not be able a thing, they'd all overlap! We've introduced super smart labels that will never overlap. Understand the shape and scale of your data at a glance with our smart labels without relying on aligning with axes, gridlines, or tooltips. - great for scheduled reporting!

πŸ†• Searching in Filters

We have a new unified approach to searching across various elements, including tables, schemas, data views, workbooks, connections, and user information. This functionality spans both frontend and backend operations, facilitating efficient navigation and data manipulation within our system. Our search uses pushdown SQL, which runs ultrafast, super flexible and always up to date. Find exactly what you are looking for, searching from hundreds to even billions of rows.

The example below - you can try it out here on our gallery by adding a new filter. Condition Description

To learn more about searching in filters, check this article.

πŸ†• New user role: Designer

Ideal for citizen developers, our new designer role offers access to create and edit workbooks without the ability to manage data connections and views.

Let your creativity flow, working on unchanging governed data, using already created dimensions and measures.

ℹ️ The new designer role can be accessed from the admin section

Gartner: A citizen developer is an employee who creates application capabilities for consumption by themselves or others, using tools that are not actively forbidden by IT or business units. A citizen developer is a persona, not a title or targeted role. They report to a business unit or function other than IT.

πŸ†• Bookmarks: Introducing the Enhanced Bookmarks Panel

We're excited to announce a significant update to our bookmarks feature! With the new Bookmarks Panel, users now have the ability to organise their bookmarks more efficiently using a folder structure.

Creating and Organizing Bookmarks:

  • When adding or editing a bookmark, simply use the "Folder" field to specify the folder where you'd like to place the bookmark.

  • To create a subfolder within a folder, use the "/" symbol. For example, entering "Work/Projects" in the Folder field will create a "Projects" subfolder under "Work".

This update is designed to make bookmark management more intuitive and structured, allowing you to navigate your saved sites with ease.

2.66 - 22 Feb 2024

πŸ†• Advanced Chart Calculation

in-chart πŸ“Š advanced calculations in your analytics:
πŸ“† Period on Period (# or %) for comparative analytics.
πŸ“ˆ Moving Averages for powerful trend analysis, filtering out the noise in the data
πŸ“Ά Running/Accumulating Total - transform monthly sales into a visible YTD total visualization.
Implemented with just a click in the UI by any business user: no scripting Astrato writes the SQL for you.

To learn more about advanced Chart calculation, check out this article.

Improved Variable Panel

The experience working with variables just got so much better. Enhancements include:

  • Filter to a specific variable type.

  • Improved variable search.

  • New filter creation improved the experience.

2.65 - 16 Feb 2024

πŸ†• Frame Properties Panel

The new frame properties panel consolidates all the common properties of visualization in one place, making it easier and quicker to customize the visualization display, including new properties such as precision size and position.

To learn more about the frame properties panel, check out this article.

Titles in all visualizations

Titles and subtitles are important parts of the story a visualization tells.
With the frame properties panel's introduction, all visualizations in Astrato now support titles and subtitles.

Copy Actions Between Workbooks

Action blocks can now be copied between workbooks; this new feature will speed up data app development and reduce repetitive tasks.

2.64.1 - 14 Feb 2024

Quick rename object

Double click the object or group in the layers panel to quickly rename it.

Action blocks updates

In this release we added new capabilities to lots of the action blocks, see below on what have change.

β„Ή Changes & Deprecations for Action blocks

Some blocks (get/set variable, write-back, execute sql, call stored procedure, open report) have been deprecated as of February 2024, these will need to be replaced by the new blocks with new capabilities, by April 2024.

How to update deprecated blocks

  1. Add the new version of the block to the action workspace

  2. Configure it the same as the block to be updated

  3. Move the new block above the deprecated block in the block chain

  4. Remove the deprecated block

  5. Repeat for all deprecated blocks

Invert block is now the Not block

The invert block has a new label Not to make action chains more readable. The Not block changes the boolean input, if the value is true to false and if the value is false to true.

Variables blocks

The get and set variable blocks now except a block that outputs a string value for the variable name input. This makes it possible to reference variables by name, to support more advanced use cases.

SQL blocks

The SQL blocks have been updated with new labels to improve readability. The schema input has been removed from the Execute SQL block.

The Execute SQL blocks now except a block that outputs a string value for the variable name input. This makes it possible to reference variables by name, to support more advanced use cases.

The Write-back block

The write-back block now except a block that outputs a string value for the Field name input. This makes it possible to reference fields by name, to support more advanced use cases. The block has also got an new distinct color to improve readability and set it apart from other blocks.

Aggregate block

The Aggregate have improved labels for better readability.

Report blocks

The Report blocks has a new distinct color to improve readability and set it apart from other blocks. The open report block have new capabilities.

Use applied filters - If set to true the current applied filters will be passed to the report when it's generated. With this Astrato now support On demand report generations and truly dynamic cyclic reporting.

Max resolution (px) - Use this setting to control the height and width of the report. Depending on the aspect ratio of the sheet, the max resolution will be applied to the height if the aspect ratio is higher than wide, or the width if the aspect ratio is wider than high. If no aspect ratio is set on the sheet, A4 Landscape will be used.

DPI factor - Use 2 to double the pixel count when the report needs to be printed on paper. This affects the size of the report and the time to generate the report.

2.63.1 - 07 Feb 2024

πŸ†• Sankey Chart

Our new Sankey chart gives users a view of data flow between dimensions.
Sankey chart insights identify the significance of a path that connects all the dimensions in the chart.

Sankey chart common use cases are:

  • Energy Flow Diagrams

  • Material Flow Analysis

  • Cost Allocation Diagrams

  • Supply Chain and Logistics

  • Website Traffic Flow

  • Population Migration

  • Carbon Footprint Analysis

β„Ή Changes & Deprecations for Action blocks

Some blocks (used to get/set object properties) have been deprecated as of February 2024 (initial release 13th March 2023), these will need to be updated to the new blocks defined in the article below, by April 2024.

πŸ†• Access removed workbooks

When a workbook is deleted, it can only be viewed in the "removed" tab of the user who originally created it. If someone other than the creator deletes the workbook, they won't see it in their "removed" tab. Additionally, if the creator has left the tenant, they won't see the deleted workbook, but if they return to the tenant before it's hard deleted, they will still be able to view it.

  • When restoring a workbook, previous embed links will need to be re-created

  • If the data view is removed, recovery of the workbook will not be possible.

  • If a report was scheduled on a workbook that has later been removed, it will fail


2.62.7 - 05 Feb 2024

Workbook Editor: Reference lines variable input

Variables can now be used to drive reference lines.

πŸ’‘ Use case: Data driven reference lines

Variables in Astrato are extremely powerful, even more so when combined with actions and visualizations, enabling new ways of dynamic data storytelling. In under 60 seconds, see how we use variables as part of our own Astrato workbooks.

2.60 - 25 Jan 2024

Workbook Editor: Object/Layer naming

We have improved the workbook editor experience by making object management and identification easier. This will make identifying objects for use in Actions and Astrato AI Insights, and more, as we continue to grow the capabilities in the product.

  • New Naming System: Objects will have unique default names (e.g., "Filter1," "Filter2").

  • Distinct Naming Rule: Objects can be renamed to the same name, however these will be made unique, by the system adding a unique number at the end.

  • Copying Objects: Duplicated objects will receive additional numbers at the end to make the name

  • You will notice: Automatic update to all object names for seamless transition - nothing for you to do.

Embedded Analytics: Embed Expiration and Description

Embeds are now even easier to manage, with expiry enabled and a description to describe each use case.

β„Ή Expiry and description cna be updated at any time, including for pre-existing links.

πŸ†• Map Object

Our new map object has layer based visuals, with support for various geo-data input types.

πŸ†• Waterfall Chart

Our new Waterfall Chart enables many use cases for analyzing the flow from a starting measure to an end measure.
Some use cases are:

  • Analyzing financial statements

  • Budget usage tracking

Workbook Import/Export: Add from Gallery

You can now add workbook directly to your workspace, from our data apps gallery.

Please note: Import and export options are now available to users in the lobby. This exports workbook properties, field names and some queries. No data connection details, or data from the CDW, will be exported.

2.59 - 19 Jan 2024

Transfer ownership of Astrato Workspace/Tenant

It is now possible for owners to self-manage the transfer of ownership of an Astrato workspace to another user.

2.58.3 - 15 Jan 2024

πŸ†• Conditional Measure

  • Conditional measures allow for checking a condition fulfillment on aggregated values.

  • Some use cases for this new type of measure are comparing actual to target on category level when targets are set at the product level.
    Compared to values that are stored in different tables

  • Creating and editing Conditional measures is simple and intuitive and is done with a no-code wizard that guides users through editing and building a measure.

  • For more information check out this article.

πŸ†• Parameters in Measures

  • Parameters in measures convert measure to a dynamic calculation that end-users can change, either by actions or input controls.

  • Parameters in measure enable these use cases: what-if scenarios, multi-currency display, and dynamic range periods. comparison, compare individual entities to the whole population average, and more.

  • Creating and working with parameters in measures is done with a complete no-code experience.

  • For more information check out this article.

2.58 - 12 Jan 2024

πŸ†• Word cloud Vizualization

  • Word-cloud visualization is good for showing the whole data points and highlighting the most important data point

    Some use cases for Word cloud are the most common words in social media analytics,
    Search results for products.

  • Astrato's Word cloud is simple to build and modify.

For more details on how to use a Word Cloud visualization check out this article

2.55 - 03 Jan 2024

Embedded analytics: Loader animation

Loader animation added to embedded objects, sheets and workbooks. This is the existing loader animation which appears in native objects/workbooks.

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