Advanced Chart Calculations
Written by Konrad Mattheis
Updated over a week ago


Advanced chart calculations (advanced operations) are a new feature that allows users to apply additional calculations on measures used in a chart.
There are two types of advanced calculations:

  • Moving calculations- that return an accumulated result of several records,
    Some use cases are:

    • Accumulated ARR - show the ARR growth over time by the date a deal was closed.

    • Daily users Moving Avg - show your users a 7-day average for each date to remove the impact of weekdays and outliers.

    • Compare current revenue with the previous year's average - to understand your trend without the impact of seasonality and outliers.

  • Comparison- compare the current record to a different record.
    Some use cases are:

    • MoM Growth displays the percentage of growth between the current record and the previous record.

    • Same Quarter previous year comparison - see the absolute difference between the current quarter result and the same quarter in the previous year. This approach is best used when there is a strong seasonal impact on your activity.

Activating Advanced Calculations

Activating the advanced calculations option for a measure is easy and intuitive.

You can expand the measure you want to use in the Data tab of the visualization properties panel.

Click on the drop-down menu near the Advanced operation label and select the calculation method you want to use.

​Advanced Calculation Types

There are two categories of advanced calculations:

  • Moving Aggregations - this category returns the cumulative result of a range of records.

  • Comparisons- this category returns a value calculated using the current and comparison record.

Optional advanced calculations:





Moving Aggregations

Running total

returns the cumulative result of all records up to the current record, including the current record

Moving Calculation

Returns the cumulative result of a set of records as defined by the user.



Returns the value of the comparison record

[comparison record]


Returns the difference between the current record and the comparison record

[current record]


[comparison record]


Returns the rate between the current record and the comparison record

[current record]


[comparison record]


Returns the growth rate between the current record and the comparison record

([current record]


[comparison record])-1

We'll use this data as a reference for the detailed explanation of each type of calculation.

These are the different types of advanced calculations:

  • Running Total

    this option calculates the cumulative results of all the records up to the current record, including it.
    A common use case is to show the ARR growth over time.
    Select one of the four optional aggregations to define the measure.

This is the result of a running total calculation using the above table

  • Moving calculation

    This option calculates the cumulative result of the set of records the user defines.
    A common use case shows a moving average to reduce the impact of seasonality and outliers.

    • Aggregation - select one of the four options.

    • Rows before- set the start of the range of records to use in the calculation. negative values mean records before the current record, and positive values mean records after the current records.

    • Rows after- set the end of the range of records to use in the calculation.

    • Null if there are not enough values - when checked for records, they are close to the chart's start or end. a value wouldn't be displayed
      (In the above example - a value will be displayed only from the seventh record onward)

    Below is an example of each record's moving average of the previous two months and the current record.

  • Value

    This option shows the value of the selected record instead of the current record's value.
    A common use case compares the current Quarter to the same Quarter in the previous year.

    The table below shows each value vs. the same Quarter's value in the previous year.

  • Difference

    This option calculates the difference between the current record and the compared record using this formula:
    current record - comparison record

    The table below shows the difference between each quarter and the previous quarter.

  • Rate

    This option calculates the rate between the current record and the compared record using this formula:
    current record/comparison record

    The table below shows the rate between each quarter and the previous quarter.

  • Growth

    This option calculates the growth rate between the current record and the compared record using this formula:
    current record/comparison record -1

The table below shows the growth rate between each quarter and the previous quarter.

Known Limitations

Currently, advanced calculations are only available in four visualizations:

  • Bar Chart

  • Combo Chart

  • Line Chart

  • Table

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